Form to defer payments
Since few of Glitnir’s Noteholders are incurring banking cost for each payment under the Notes, which is higher than the actual payment, the Board of Glitnir has agreed to allow noteholders the option of deferring receipt of payments under the Notes. Payments to those noteholders will instead be paid to a Cash Custody Account until Glitnir is instructed to do otherwise.
Noteholders can at any time request to receive the accumulated cash held in the Cash Custody Account. Glitnir will at the latest make payments from these Cash Custody Accounts shortly after the conversion of the Notes and Shares has taken place, in accordance with condition 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Notes.
Noteholders wishing to defer payments can do so by filling out the form accessible below and return it to Glitnir. The form must be received a week before the scheduled payment day, the next being scheduled for 29 June 2016, in order for Glitnir to be able to accommodate the request.